Monday, October 24, 2011

Four Letter Word


It's time for a change, and by change I mean that I need to go on a diet! I know, diet is one of those BAD four letter words!

I started a diet a couple of months ago and it actually went really well until we went on vacation and that went flying out the window because lets be honest, dieting on vacation is no fun at all! This past weekend our family went to Frontier City because they were having Fright Fest and my daughter really wanted to go. For those of you who aren’t from around here Frontier City is an amusement park. Back to my story, my husband has always liked those old timey portraits that they do. You know the ones that are usually sepia and they have these old clothes that you dress up in. So, we all agreed that we would do one this time. Personally I’m not a fun of this but we did it. After it was all over we got to see our pictures. Words can not describe what was going through my head at that moment; I certainly couldn’t put them on here for you to read. Before the picture I didn’t really care for the idea, after the picture I HATED it! Needless to say you will never ever get me to do one of those again! After that experience and seeing the portrait that the 16 year old took of us… it’s time for a diet!!!

I am always amazed watching people say 'No' to food. You know what I mean. 'Would like a slice of pie?', 'No, thank you.' Huh? If someone ever offered me a piece of pie, I would most graciously say 'yes'. :) Could I even turn down a slice of pie, ever? Even at Thanksgiving, when we are full to the limit with turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy and stuffing and all the yummy trimmings, there always somehow seems to be room for pie. I need to work on exercising my right to say 'no' to things that are bad for me. I know they are not good for me. I know they don't add any essential nutrients to my daily diet. I always say it's the little things we can do to help ourselves that add up. Just saying 'no' to a piece of pie 3 times a week, for example, adds up to 18 pounds in a year in excess calories! I'm going to do my little part today. My husband made a fresh batch of brownies yesterday, but I think today I will say 'no'. I can wrap them up and put them in the freezer where they can wait for me another day. I can say 'no'!

So I weighed this morning (no I’m not going to post that, I’m not that crazy) and I’ll weigh weekly and let you know my progress. I might even do some kind of weight loss challenge for my fans that want to lose weight as well. That sounds fun......


  1. How can anyone say 'no' to dessert? Haha. I'm proud of you for saying 'no' today. Maybe I will try that today too! Then again, I just bought a poking pie last night and I would hate for it to go to waste! ;-)
